printing怎么读(print怎么读 print解释)

2024-05-21 21:10:03 :7

printing怎么读(print怎么读 print解释)


print怎么读 print解释

1、print,印刷。读音:美/prɪnt/;英/prɪnt/。 2、解释: (1)n.印刷业;印花布;印刷字体;印章;印记。 (2)vt.印刷;打印;刊载;用印刷体写;在…印花样。 (3)vi.印刷;出版;用印刷体写。 3、单词时态:过去式printed;过去分词printed;现在分词printing;第三人称单数prints;复数prints。




发明Invention例句:1、印刷术是中国首先发明的。Printing was first invented by the Chinese. 2、需要乃发明之母。Necessity is the mother of invention.





  1. Capitalism turnedprinting from an invention into an industry.


  2. printing was first invented by the Chinese.


  3. 3D foodprinting could probably contribute to the solution.


  4. Such changes have not been seen since the invention of theprinting press.


  5. The electronic andprinting unit has annual sales of about $80 million.


  6. He made some minor revisions to the report beforeprinting it out.


  7. Printer driver software includes standard features such as print layout and fit-to-pageprinting.



print的读音是:英。print的读音是:英。print的例句是用作动词(v.)How many copies shall we print from the negative?用这张底片我们要印多少张相片。print过去式:printed;过去分词:printed;现在分词:printing;第三人称单数:prints。一、详尽释义点此查看print的详细内容v.(动词)印花样于印,印刷,【计】打印出版,发行打上(印记等),留印记(或痕迹)于铭记,铭刻用印刷体写从(底片)印像,晒印从事印刷工作,做印刷工,使用印刷机n.(名词)印刷字体指纹印刷,印刷业印刷品,出版物印刷术印花布,印花布服装,印花布制品印痕,印迹新闻纸,白报纸图章,印章,戳子,印模蓝图adj.(形容词)出版物的,为出版物写作的二、英英释义Noun:the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication;"I want to see it in print"a picture or design printed from an engravinga visible indication made on a surface;"some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks""paw prints were everywhere"availability in printed form;"we’ve got to get that story into print""his book is no longer in print"a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)a printed picture produced from a photographic negativeVerb:put into print;"The newspaper published the news of the royal couple’s divorce""These news should not be printed"write as if with print; not cursivemake into a print;"print the negative"reproduce by printing三、词典解释1.打印;印刷If someoneprints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine.e.g. He started toprint his own posters to distribute abroad...他开始印刷自己的海报并发往国外。e.g. The Slovene bank has printed a specimen bank note...斯洛文尼亚银行已经印刷了纸币票样。printingHis brother ran a printing and publishing company.他哥哥经营了一家印刷出版公司。...stocks of paper and printing ink.库存的纸张和印刷油墨2.(在报纸、杂志上)刊印,刊登,发表If a newspaper or magazineprints a piece of writing, it includes it or publishes it.e.g. We can onlyprint letters which are accompanied by the writer’s name and address.我们只能刊登附有作者姓名和地址的信件。e.g. ...a questionnaire printed in the magazine recently.最近在杂志上刊登的一份调查问卷3.印(数字、字母或图案);印染If numbers, letters, or designsare printed on a surface, they are put on it in ink or dye using a machine. You can also say that a surfaceis printed with numbers, letters, or designs.e.g. ...the number printed on the receipt...印在发票上的数字e.g. The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products...有一段时间,公司把电话号码印在产品上。4.印花织物;印刷品;印花;印制图案Aprint is a piece of clothing or material with a pattern printed on it. You can also refer to the pattern itself as aprint .printe.g. Her mother wore one of her dark summer prints...她妈妈穿着一件深色印花夏装。e.g. In this living room we’ve mixed glorious floral prints.在这间客厅,我们粘贴了各种美丽的印花纸。5.冲洗,冲印(照片)When youprint a photograph, you produce it from a negative.e.g. Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect...将一张黑白底片冲印到彩色相纸上会产生相似的单色效果。e.g. I selected two negatives toprint from.我选了两张底片进行冲印。6.(冲印出来的)照片Aprint is a photograph from a film that has been developed.e.g. and white prints of Margaret and Jean as children.玛格丽特和吉恩小时候的黑白照片e.g. ...35mm colourprint films.35毫米的彩色胶片7.电影拷贝Aprint of a cinema film is a particular copy or set of copies of it.e.g. First released in 1957, the movie now appears in a newprint.1957年首次上映后,这部影片现在有了新的拷贝。8.绘画复制品;版画Aprint is one of a number of copies of a particular picture. It can be either a photograph, something such as a painting, or a picture made by an artist who puts ink on a prepared surface and presses it against paper.e.g. ...William Hogarth’s famous series of prints.威廉·霍加斯著名的版画系列9.印出的字; 印刷字体Print is used to refer to letters and numbers as they appear on the pages of a book, newspaper, or printed document.e.g. ...columns of tinyprint...一栏栏极小的印刷字e.g. Laser printers give high qualityprint.激光打印机的打印质量很好。10.印刷(媒体)的;纸媒的Theprint media consists of newspapers and magazines, but not television or radio.e.g. I have been convinced that theprint media are more accurate and more reliable than television.我已经确信印刷媒体比电视更准确、更可靠。e.g. ...print journalists.报刊业记者11.用印刷体书写If youprint words, you write in letters that are not joined together and that look like the letters in a book or newspaper.e.g. Print your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.在明信片上用印刷体写上你的名字和地址,然后邮寄给我们。12.脚印;足迹You can refer to a mark left by someone’s foot as aprint .e.g. He crawled fromprint toprint, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。e.g. ...boot prints.靴印13.指纹You can refer to invisible marks left by someone’s fingers as theirprints .e.g. Fresh prints of both girls were found in the flat.在公寓里发现了两个女孩不久前留下的指纹。14. see also: printing15.(在书刊或报纸上)发表,刊登If you appearin print, or getinto print, what you say or write is published in a book, newspaper, or magazine.printe.g. Many of these poets appeared inprint only long after their deaths...这些诗人中有很多都是在去世很久以后作品才得以发表的。e.g. There was no immediate prospect of the diaries getting intoprint.这些日记近期不会发表。16.(书)仍在印行,仍在出版If a book isin print, copies of it are still being produced.print是什么意思e.g. Many of their books have been inprint for nearly 40 years.他们的很多书都印行将近40年了。17.(书)已经停印,已经绝版If a book isout of print, copies of it are no longer being produced.e.g. I believe the book is now out ofprint, but it can easily be borrowed from libraries.我想这本书现在已经停印了,但从图书馆很容易借到。18.(广告、合同等的)细节,附属细则,小号字体印刷条款Thesmall print or thefine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text.e.g. I’m looking at the smallprint; I don’t want to sign anything that I shouldn’t sign...我正在看附属细则,我可不想签署任何不应该签署的东西。e.g. This might be a good time for Button’s management to study the fineprint of his contract.这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机。19. a licence toprint money -》 see licence相关词组:print outprint up四、例句How many copies shall we print from the negative?用这张底片我们要印多少张相片?His second book is already in print.他的第二本书已出版。He founded his own press to print them.他自己成立印刷厂出版这些书。This printer can print 40 pages in a minute.这台打印机一分钟能打印40页。During that time, the radiation diffused across short distance scales, smearing the fine print in the microwave background sky.在这期间,辐射在短距离尺度上四处漫射,模糊了铭刻在微波背景天空上的细微印记。The print is too small for me to read without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清。The printmaking would lose direction if print artists have no skill interests in creation.版画家脱离技术趣味进行创作时,版画创作就没有了方向感。This boundary is like the outer circumference of the Escher print or the surface of the solid cylinder I considered earlier.这个边界就类似艾雪版画的外缘或者前面提过的圆柱体的表面。Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.她的第一部小说现已绝版,不过你可以找本旧的。The thief had left his prints on the handle.小偷在把手上留下了指纹。He assures to us that we will get the blue print in time.他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。The sofa was adorned with a gay print slipcover.沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。He was standing in his print shirt and his waistcoat in front of his shop, which looked into the street.He saw Alpatitch, and went up to him.身穿背心和印花衬衫的费拉蓬托夫,站在面临大街的面粉店的傍边,他看见了阿尔帕特奇,便向他走过去。Headlines are written in large print.标题是用大号字体印刷的。I closed up the space between the lines of print.我使印刷的行距靠紧些。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)in print(已印好)可买到 of a book available for sale from the publisherout of print绝版的,已销售一空的of a book no longer available from the publisherrush into print草率出版某物 publish sth without proper care or consideration用作动词(v.)print in1 (v.+adv.)用印刷体或工整的手写体添上 add (words or figures) in printing or careful writingprint sth ? inWill you print in the missing names for me?你能替我把那些漏掉的名字添上吗?print in2 (v.+prep.)用印刷体或工整的手写体添上 add (words or figures) in printing or careful writingprint sth in sthThe head words in this dictionary are printed in bold type.这部词典的词目是用黑体字排印的。print off (v.+adv.)付印,印刷 make a photograph or sth written such as a book or an article in a magazineprint sth ? offHow many copies do you want to be printed off?你想付印多少份?print out (v.+adv.)(计算机)打出 (of a computer)produce a printed form of the results of an inquiry or calculationprint sth ? outThe machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.机器将打出计算结果及适合此课题的书目。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~come to the print付印correct the print校正印刷品go to the print付印put sth to the print把…付印read small print读很小的印刷字体send sth to the print把…付印silence the print使新闻界缄默subsidize the print资助报刊出版supply the print with news为报社提供消息形容词+~cheap print三流新闻daily print日报fine print小字体large bold print粗大的字体monthly print月刊periodical print期刊weekly print周刊名词+~colour print彩色照片finger prints指纹~+名词print cotton印花棉布print dress印花布连衣裙print flower design印花卉图案print wallpaper印花壁纸介词+~according to the print根据报刊at print在印刷中in print在印刷中freedom of the print出版自由off the print印刷完毕man on the print新闻记者on the public prints在报刊上a book out of print不再出版的书用作动词 (v.)~+名词print a lecture印刷讲稿print a scandalous allegation让造谣中伤的言论披露见报print advertisements印广告print books出版书籍print one’s address用印刷体写清楚自己的地址print one’s name用印刷体写清楚自己的名字print 10,000 copies印1万册print the posters印海报~+副词print beautifully印刷精美print exquisitely印刷得精美print handsomely印得精美print lightly留下浅浅的印迹print neatly印刷得整洁print privately私自印刷~+介词print from type活字印刷print in English用英文出版print in italics斜体印刷print of London life伦敦生活的画片print on good paper用优质纸印刷print with capital letters用大写字母印刷七、词源解说☆







n.    (由底片印出的) 照片; 印刷字体; 印痕; 印成的图画;    

vt.    (在松软的表面) 压印; 把…付印;    

vt.    用印刷体写; 冲洗(照片); 登载; 在纸上印;    

We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer’s name and address.


   第三人称单数:prints 复数:prints 现在分词:printing过去式:printed 过去分词:printed    


报纸 1. (以刊载新闻和评论为主的定期出版物) newspaper或 journal:例句: “The Capital Gazatte”, first published in the Han Dynasty (206 B. C.-220 A. D.), was the earliest newspaper in the world.创始于中国汉代的《邸报》是世界上最早的报纸。2. (白报纸或新闻纸) newsprintnewspaper n. 报纸短语1. 报纸包装机 newspaper packing machine;2. 报纸处理控制 newspaper handling control;3. 报纸处理设备 newspaper handling equipments;4. 报纸传真机 newspaper page facsimile apparatus;5. 报纸叠码机构 newspaper stackers;6. 报纸计数器 newspaper counters;7. 报纸夹 newspaper holder;8. 报纸经销者 roadmen;9. 报纸捆扎机 newspaper bundling machine;10. 报纸铅版自动铸版机 autoplate;11. 报纸凸版轮转印刷机 newspaper rotary letterpress machine;12. 报纸印刷 newspaper printing希望对你有帮助 如有疑问请在线交谈 望采纳 谢谢

printing怎么读(print怎么读 print解释)






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