exceptional是什么意思(have you exceptional/indefinite leave to remain in the uk什么意思)
- have you exceptional/indefinite leave to remain in the uk什么意思
- exceptional 和exceptionable在例外的这个意思上有什么区别
- exceptionalcompletecare是什么意思
- excellent 与exceptional区别
- except是“除了”,那exceptional是
have you exceptional/indefinite leave to remain in the uk什么意思
这是一句向对方提问他的批准假期情况,能否使到他可以逗留在一个地方。英文句子说出来的中文语意是:“你有没有特殊例外的(/不确定的)批准假期来逗留在英国?”。英文句子中的:“exceptional”语意是“特殊例外的”;而“indefinite”意思是“不确定的”;“leave”是名词,意思是”批准假期“;”uk = United Kingdom“的简写,即是”英国“。
exceptional 和exceptionable在例外的这个意思上有什么区别
exceptional complete care例外完全照顾complete care完全照顾例句:I hate my interpersonal relationship, if you can please complete care.我讨厌半生不熟的人际关系,如果可以请彻底的在乎。Teacher-student relations has always been an important aspect ofeducation. Any complete care and attention to education can not bewithout examination of this relation.师生关系历来是教育中的一个重要方面,任何对于教育的完整的关照都离不开对师生关系的审视。
excellent 与exceptional区别
两个此词的侧重点不同excellent 侧重于“好”exceptional 侧重于“少有的”而句中的意思是指这个女人是那种具有少见的智慧的女人。
大家都知道except是“除了”的意思,那exceptional是什么意思呢?难道是“除了的”?一起来看看这个片段吧。, 对话原文 , ,My mom lost a lot of jobs through the years. ,这些年我妈妈失业过很多次 ,It was always really hard for her.,她心里真的很不好受 ,You know, I was just about to e talk to you guys.,我正要来找你们聊聊呢 ,I am sorry about earlier,,之前的事我很抱歉 ,but you really don’t have to worry about me.,可你真的不用担心我 ,You know what Randall told me one time?,你知道有一次兰德尔和我说了什么吗 ,He called me exceptional .,他说我很出众 ,And he said it so easy, like it wasn’t a big deal .,他张口就来 好像不是什么了不得的事情 ,I remember thinking,,我当时在想 ,he must think people have told me this before.,他肯定以为别人也对我说过这样的话 , I bet he’s told you before that you’re exceptional,,他肯定也说过你很出众 ,because you are.,因为你确实是 ,Thanks, Dej.,谢谢 黛佳 ,You know, but I don’t know that...,可我并不知道... ,Randall thinks so.,兰德尔是这么想的 ,I mean, he loves you like he’s in a Disney movie or something,,他就像迪士尼电影里的人物一样爱着你 ,like he hears tiny forest animals singing or playing,就好像只要你走进房间 ,kazoos or something whenever you walk into a room.,他就能听到森林小动物唱歌跳舞的声音,But if you’re sad,,可如果你不开心 ,then you should talk to him.,你应该和他聊聊,He’ll tell you you’re exceptional,,他会告诉你 你很出众 ,And he’ll say it so easy,而且他会说的那么自然 ,that you’ll believe it.,让你不得不相信 ,You are really good at these talks.,你很擅长这种谈心,You live in this house for a while,,在这个家里住一段时间之后, , 今日重点: , , 这些年来: through the years, 正要做: be about to do。表示即将发生的动作, 非凡的,例外的: exceptional, 没什么大不了: big deal, 我确信: I bet。bet是“打赌”的意思, 擅长: be good at, ,

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