mentioned翻译(用英语翻译 -昨天那个网站又被提到)
- 用英语翻译 -昨天那个网站又被提到
- mention的中文翻译
- she heard her name__(提到)为什么答案用mentioned而不是was men
- 提及 翻译
- have been mentioned here. 与 be mentiond here.有啥区别
- to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned
用英语翻译 -昨天那个网站又被提到
The website was mentioned again yesterday .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:)
Mention是一个英语单词,意思是“提及,说到,提到”。当我们想要谈论某人或某事时,可以使用mention来表示提及这个人或事物的事实。比如,“我在信中提到了你的名字”可以翻译为“I mentioned your name in the letter”,“我们不应该忽略这个问题,必须要提及它”可以翻译为“We shouldn’t overlook this issue, we have to mention it”。
Mention还可以作为名词使用,表示“提及,言及”。在学术写作中,我们需要引用其他作者的研究成果来支持自己的观点,此时可以使用mention来引用这些研究成果。比如,“我在研究中提到了Smith等人的研究结果”可以翻译为“I mentioned the research findings of Smith et al. in my study”。
she heard her name__(提到)为什么答案用mentioned而不是was men
1.第一种形式,这句话可以是从句的形式:She heard that her name was mentioned.这句话是用that引导谓语动词hear的宾语从句,that后面是以完整从句出现,有完整的主谓句子结构,that引导的从句中her name是主语,was mentioned是被动式谓语,因为她的名字是被提到。She heard that her name was mentioned.这句英文的意思是:她听到她的名字被提到。这是以宾语从句的方式来完成。
2.第二种形式,就是一般比较简洁,也是常用的动词hear后面直接用动词过去完成式来补充宾语的状态,就如上面的答案所选择直接用mentioned,这句话就因该是She heard her name mentioned.这句话可以翻译为:她听到提到她的名字。其实意思还是有那么小小的区别,但从考试的考点来说,主要想考动词hear+名词+动词过去完成时的这种表达形式,就是hear something done的一种用法。
提及 翻译
mention及物动词 vt.1.提到, 说起 He mentioned them by name.他举出了他们的名字。Before closing I want to mention all those who contributed so generously.在我结束讲话的时候, 我想提一下所有慷慨捐赠的人。Don’t mention this problem this evening.今晚别提这个问题。Can you mention one of the mistakes off hand?你能马上指出其中一个错误吗?Nobody mentioned the real purpose of this meeting.谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。From now on no one is to mention that slip of paper.以后, 谁也不准提到这张纸条的事情。He did not want to mention the painful past.他不愿意提起过去的伤心事。Haas decided not to mention his cold.哈斯决定不提他患了感冒。I had enough presence of mind not to mention my intention.我镇定自若, 没有说起我的意图。There were four of us there, without mentioning the child.那儿有我们4个人, 不算那个孩子。They have two dogs to find a home for, without mentioning the cat and the bird.得为两条狗找个家, 此外尚有猫和鸟。He is being mentioned for the place.他正被提名为本职位的候补人。It is mentioned on page 20.它在20页被提到。Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face.每当我提起下湖去游泳, 他总露出不赞成的表情。You mentioned having been in hospital last year.你说过去年你住过医院。He did not mention having been on the spot.他没说他当时在场。Jeromy mentioned having seen me on TV the previous evening.杰罗米说起前一天晚上在电视上看到过我。She mentioned that she had glanced through it.她说她曾粗略看过一遍。You never even mentioned that your wife had had the baby!你从来没有提起过你的妻子生了那个孩子!Tom mentions that he often sees her in the library.汤姆说他经常在图书馆看到她。Did he mention when he would marry?他说过他什么时候结婚了吗?She forgot to mention where we should meet.她忘了说我们该在何处会面。Her mother had mentioned how colourful the yard was, now that spring had arrived.她母亲提到由于春天已经来到, 院子里已是五彩缤纷。Don’t mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper.别提起上周发生的事, 那会使他发脾气的。They mentioned you as a good source of information.他们说你消息灵通。2.提名表扬;传令嘉奖 He never even mentioned that his wife had won the first prize.他甚至从未提起过他妻子得了一等奖。名词 n.1.提及, 说起 As he has not done much, he is beneath mention.他没有做多少事, 不值得提到他。The actor’s wedding got a mention on television.电视上报道了这位男演员的婚礼。By tacit agreement, Clark’s friends all avoided any mention of his mentally ill wife.克拉克的朋友们心照不宣, 绝口不提他那位患精神病的妻子。The first mention of the discovery appeared in an article last year.去年的一篇文章首次提及这项发现。He made no mention of your request.他没有提到你的要求。The communique made no mention of progress on any of the issues.公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。No mention was made of her illness.她的病情没有提到。He made no mention of having seen her.他不提他曾经见过她。2.通报表扬;提名表扬;传令嘉奖
have been mentioned here. 与 be mentiond here.有啥区别
have been就是说这个事情已经被提过了,而且对现在有影响。主要是强调那个事情从被提过之后对现在一直存在影响。be mentioned就是说这个事情被提过了,对现在有没有影响就不一定了。暂时只懂这么多,也是以前书本的知识。
to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned
to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned翻译成为中文就是:运用所提到的方法 掌控某某人/事。mentioned是意思是 提到的,指出的,是过去分词,在句子中是定语,修饰说明the way。勤学好问 天天进步!

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