iphone4s发布会 乔布斯(乔布斯临终前最后制造出的手机是哪个)
11:29AM "I think a lot of people are going to try and win the car. It’s a great idea! We’re going to turn on iAd on July 1st for all iOS 4 devices." 11:29AM “我想很多人将会试着赢得一台轿车。这是不错的主意!我们将于7月1日正式在iOS4设备上开启iAd功能” 11:29AM "We’ve got advertisers committing to $60m." 11:29AM “广告商已经承诺投入6000万美元的广告” 11:30AM Steve says iAds are projected to represent 48% of the mobile advertising market in the second half of 2010. 11:30AM 乔布斯表示预计iAd将占据移动广告市场48%的营业额。 11:31AM "So those are the eight things I wanted to share with you on iPhone 4. What do you think so far? I think it’s a lot more than people thought it was. What do you think?" Big cheers. 11:31AM “以上就是我要告诉大家的关于iPhone 4的8大亮点。你们感觉怎么样?我想这超出很多人的想象吧。你觉得呢?”巨大的掌声。 11:32AM "We’ll, we’re really pleased with it. But there is one more thing." Whoa -- the lights just went up along the side of the stage. 11:32AM “我们很兴奋,真的很高兴。但是还有一件事。”哇,场边的灯光亮起来了。 11:32AM "So in 2007 when we launched the iPhone, it was my privilege to make a call to Jony Ive... and I’m going to do the same thing now." Boom, video call. 11:32AM “2007年我们发布了一代iPhone。我当时给Jony Ive打了个电话。。。。今天我要再给他打一个。”噢,视频通话! 11:33AM Wow, ha! Jony Picked up! 11:33AM 哈哈,Jony Ive接电话了! 11:33AM Whoa it froze up for a second. "Now it never freezes up... did you all turn off your WiFi?" 11:33AM 刚开始卡了几秒。“现在不会再卡了。。你关掉了你的WIFI吗?” 11:33AM "Hi Jony -- how are you?" 11:33AM “嘿,Jony--你怎么样?” 11:35AM "You know I grew up with the Jetsons... and video calls... and now it’s real. What about you?" Jony: "I grew up with the same thing, and it’s real now!" Steve: "It is real... especially when people turn off their WiFi." Jony: "We’ve had to wait an awful long time for this to become reality." Steve: "Okay, let’s have lunch soon." 11:35AM “大家知道的我看着‘Jetsons’长大的„„那么视频电话„„现在成真了。你呢?”Jony:“我也是一样看着‘Jetsons’长大的,现在真的变成现实了!”Steve:“没错„„特别是当这里的人把WIFI关掉之后。”Jony:“我们可是等待这一时刻很久了。”Steve:“是啊,我们过段时间一起吃午饭吧。” 11:35AM It’s called FaceTime. WiFi only. iPhone 4 to iPhone 4. No setup. 11:35AM 这叫做FaceTime。只有在WIFI下可以使用。iPhone 4与iPhone 4之间互通,且不需要任何设置。 11:36AM "The video and audio quality is great. Now it’s going to be WiFi only in 2010. We need to work a little bit with the carriers..." 11:36AM “视频和音频的质量都很棒。而在2010年它只可以使用WIFI,我们还在和运营商沟通使用其他的网络方式„„” 11:36AM "So FaceTime video calling. We’re really happy with this." 11:36AM “那么FaceTime视频电话。我们很高兴能拥有它。” 11:37AM "We made a little video to show some of the ways people might use it." 11:37AM “我们做了个短片来掩饰人们可能如何使用这个功能。” 11:37AM Ah ha... it’s the Sam Mendes commercial! 11:37AM 啊哈„„是Sam Mendes的广告! 11:37AM A daughter graduating and talking to her mother! 11:37AM 女儿的毕业式并和母亲对话! 11:38AM Wow. You can flip the image to the rear camera. This commercial is pretty intense. 11:38AM 哇。你可以切换到后置摄像头。这个广告相当不错。 11:38AM Wow -- very cool. Two people speaking in sign language on the phone. We’re getting a little choked up! That’s a pretty cool use. 11:38AM 哇,很酷,两个人可以通过手机用自己的语言直接沟通啦,真的很不错! 11:39AM "This is one of the moments that reminds us of why we do what we do." 11:39AM “这是一个提醒我们为了什么做什么的时刻。” 11:39AM "Now it’s based on a handful of standards... but this is going to be an open industry standard." 11:39AM “现在,它是基于几个标准的„„但很快,这将会成为开放的行业标准。”standard." 11:40AM "So FaceTime... that’s number 9. So that is the iPhone 4. We think it’s the biggest leap we’ve taken since the original." 11:40AM “那么FaceTime„„就是第9项。那么这就是iPhone 4。我们认为它是自从iPhone第1代到目前为止,改革最多的一次。” 11:41AM "Pricing -- there’s two colors. White and black. Pricing -- $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB." 11:41AM “定价——有两种颜色。白和黑。16G和32G的价格分别是$199和$299。 11:41AM "AT&T is going to make an incredibly generous upgrade offer. If your contract expires at any time in 2010, you can upgrade to the iPhone 4. You can get it up to six months early." 11:41AM “AT&T将会提供一个非常优惠的升级购买价格。只要你的合约在2010年的任何时间到期,你就可以升级到iPhone 4。也就是说你可以提前6个月拿到它。” 11:42AM "So what’s our lineup look like? 3GS is now $99. These go on sale June 24th." 11:42AM 那么我们的计划是怎么样的?3gs现在的签约价是99美金,在6月24号以后依然保持这个价格。 11:42AM "Pre-orders start a week from tomorrow. And we’re shipping in 5 countries. In July we’re shipping in 18 more." 11:42AM 预定iphone4的时间15号,我们投递在计划内的5个国家,从7月开始会增加到18个国家。 11:43AM "Now there’s some accessories. A Dock. We have a case -- we call it a Bunker." 11:43AM 现在多了一个附件,一个底座,我们称之为地堡。 11:44AM "And they come in colors... those are $29. And I’d like to talk for minute about iOS 4 upgrades. For the 3G, not all the features are supported, same with the iPod touch, and this excludes the first generation. Upgrades are free for all these products." 11:44AM 将会有不同的颜色,分别价格为29美金。在这,我还是很想再说一下关于iphone 4。0操作系统的升级优惠,对于3g用户,不是所有的都能够被支持。ipod touch里,除了第一代不能够被支持外,其他的都免费得到升级。 11:45AM "We finally found a way to get them for free to our iPod touch users." 11:45AM 最后我们为ipod使用者找到了一个免费升级的方法。 11:45AM "So that is iPhone 4 and iOS 4. We have a video. 11:45AM iphone 4和最新的操作系统我们都有视频。 11:45AM Ah... Jony Ive is pontificating! "This is so much more than just another product." 11:45AM Jony Ive是非常有.影响的,这比任何产品都有更大的影响力。 11:46AM Joswiak: "FaceTime is going to change the way we communicate forever." Forever? Forever ever? 11:46AM facetime将会永久性的改变我们的交流方式,永久性的?没错,永久性的。 11:47AM "I can’t believe this is real. That this is actually happening." Hey people using video chat over 3G all over the world -- does it feel that way? 11:47AM 我都不敢相信这竟然是真的,但这确实发生了。当人们使用了我们的视频聊天发出的惊叹 11:49AM Gotta admit, this video is making this thing look extremely attractive. 11:49AM 他们在展示保护套的制作过程 11:49AM They’ve shown how the casing is produced. 11:49AM 我们的这个视频聊天将非常吸引大众的眼球。 11:49AM And now... the A4 part! 11:49AM 现在,轮到我们的a4处理器环节了 11:50AM "We developed a glass that’s 30 times harder than plastic." 11:50AM 我们开发的这种玻璃材料的硬度,是普通塑料的30倍 11:51AM "This is going to change everything... all over again." 11:51AM 这将会带来任何过往都不曾比及的改变,前所未有的再次颠覆般的奇迹 11:53AM "I put up this slide a little earlier this year. It represents what Apple is all about. We’re not just a tech company. Apple is more than that. It’s tech and humanity. It’s the hardware and the software working together. It’s not just a great new camera system, it’s the editing too, it’s not just a front-facing camera, it’s that plus 18 months of work on the software side. It’s the complete solution, so all of us don’t have to be system integrators." 11:53AM 我在今年早些时候就演示过这些。这代表了究竟什么才是Apple。我们不仅仅是一个科技公司。Apple并不仅限于此。Apple是科技和人性化、是硬件和软件的完美结合。这个并不只是一个新的拍照设备,更是一个系统。这个不仅是一个前置摄像头,更是结合了18个月软件开发的结晶。这是一个完美的解决方案,因此我们没有必要成为一个生硬系统化的公司 11:53AM "I urge you to get your hands on one of these and see it for yourself. I just want to say thanks to the teams that have worked their tails off to create these products." We think we know where this is going. 11:53AM 我急切希望你们能够很快都能拿到一台,并且好好仔细观察一下。我只想对我们的团队说一声谢谢,感谢他们辛苦劳动创造了这些产品。我们认为我们知道该向哪里发展 11:53AM Jobs is listing off team members to applause... 11:53AM Jobs正在列出这些被称赞的团队成员 11:55AM "And all the rest of the family that just supports us in a thousand ways... awesome job. So this our new baby, I hope you love it as much as we do. Thank you very much." 11:55AM “其它的家庭通过各种不同的方式支持着我们。。。这很伟大。这就是我们的新宝贝。我期待你们会和我们一样喜欢它。万分感谢。”
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