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  • Shakespeare莎士比亚。

  • 基础释义威廉·莎士比亚(1564—1616)文艺复兴时期英国戏剧家、诗人。著有剧本37部、十四行诗154首和叙事长诗2首。作品要求个性解放,反对封建专制和禁欲主义,表现了资本主义萌芽时期的人文主义理想。剧作人物形象鲜明,情节曲折生动,语言精练典雅。代表作有悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,喜剧《威尼斯商人》等。莎士比亚的创作对欧洲文学和戏剧的发展影响很大。威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,欧洲文艺复兴时期最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一,华人社会常尊称为莎翁。 16世纪末到17世纪初,莎士比亚在伦敦开始了成功的职业生涯,他不仅是演员、剧作家,还是宫内大臣剧团的合伙人。1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到埃文河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。莎士比亚最具有代表性的作品就是他的四大悲剧《奥赛罗》《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《麦克白》。




  William Shakespeare (April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616), Chinese society often known as Shakespeare, the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Lu Xun in the "Moro poetry" (February 1908) called Shakespeare Weng is "the most outstanding dramatist in the history of British literature, and one of the most important and greatest writers of the European Renaissance, one of the world’s most outstanding writers."

  Shakespeare grew up on Stratford-upon-Avon and married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18, who had three children: Suzanne, Twins Hamilton and Judith. From the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century, Shakespeare began a successful career in London. He was not only an actor, a playwright, or a partner of the Miyazaki Theater, and later renamed the King’s Theater. Around 1613, Shakespeare retired back to Stratford-upon-Avon and died three years later.

  1590 to 1613 was the golden age of Shakespeare’s creation. His early script was mainly comedy and historical drama, in the late 16th century reached the depth and artistic peak. Then in 1608 he was the main tragedy, Shakespeare advocated noble sentiments, often described sacrifices and revenge, including "Othello", "Hamlet", "King Lear" and "Macbeth", is considered the best example of English. In the final stages of his life, he began to create tragicomedy, also known as the legendary drama.

  Shakespeare’s works include 37 plays, 154 thirteen poems, and two chief narrative poems. His plays have translations of major languages, and the number of performances far exceeds that of any other dramatist.



  William Shakespeare, born in the middle of the British Wavik County Stratford-upon-Avon, a wealthy citizen family, was baptized on April 26, 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was a grocer who ran wool, leather and grain business. In 1565 he took over as town chief, and three years later he was elected mayor.

  Shakespeare was sent to a local law school at the age of seven, where he read six years of books, mastered the basic skills of writing and a wealth of knowledge. In addition, he also studied Latin and Greek. Because his father went bankrupt, he failed to graduate on the road to make a living alone.

  In 1577, his father received from the school, had to help his father for a period of time business. He had been an apprentice apprentice, had taught at a rural school, and had done a variety of other occupations, which made him grow a lot of social experience.

  Shakespeare is very different when you are studying. There was rumors that he had been poached on a land of wealthy rich man and local chief executive who was named Thomas Lucy, and was found by Lucy’s housekeeper, who had been beaten by it. Out of revenge, he wrote a ridicule of the big rich man playing the poem. How long did the poem spread throughout the country? Wherever the rich man go, there are always people who use this song to ridicule him. The Thomas squire was so annoyed that he wanted to punish Shakespeare, who was forced to leave the town of Stratford and take refuge in London.

  Theater career

  Shakespeare is still familiar with theatrical performances when he lives in the town of Stratford. Often there are some travel troupes to the town of Stratford.

  1582 with a farmer’s daughter Anne Hathaway married, 1585 years have a son Hamilton Shakespeare. 1586 or 1587 he went to London, when the drama is rapidly becoming popular. He was first in the theater when the groom, masturbation, later into the troupe, acted as actor, director, screenwriter, and eventually became theater director.

  1588 years ago began writing, first adapted from the previous script, and soon began to create independent. By the end of the year 1590, Shakespeare had become an actor and playwright of the top theater in London, James Bobby’s "House Minister for the Theater". Later, Shakespeare confirmed to himself that he was a down-to-earth, well-behaved man who became a shareholder of the troupe and soon won the respect and love of his colleagues.

  From 1594 onwards, he belongs to the troupe by the palace minister of the shelter, known as the "palace minister theater." James I ascended the throne after the throne, renamed it as the "king of the worship of the troupe", so the troupe in addition to regular tour, but also often in the court performances, Shakespeare’s script and then renowned the community.

  In 1596, he applied for the title of "gentleman" and the right to have a coat of arms in the name of his father, and in three times he had purchased a considerable amount of real estate. In 1597, Shakespeare returned to his hometown to buy real estate, spent the last time of life. He had a good basic education, but did not go to college.

  Play master

  1598 University students F. Mills has listed in his "treasure house of wisdom", listed Shakespeare’s 35-year-old play, praised his comedy, tragedy are "unparalleled", and ancient first-class drama poet and said. The success of writing, so that Shakespeare won the blessing of Lord Sampton, the Lord became his protector. Shakespeare wrote his two long poems "Venus and Abdullah", "Luke Lisi humiliation" dedicated to the Lord, also wrote some of the son of the fourteen poems. With the relationship of Lord, Shakespeare entered the aristocratic cultural salon, so that he had the opportunity to observe and understand the upper class, expanded his vision of life, for his future creation provides a rich source.

  In 1599 Shakespeare attended the famous London World Theater and became a shareholder and an actor. Shakespeare was getting rich and made the title of a hereditary aristocracy for his family. In 1612 he returned home as a rich gentleman.

  In 1603, James I succeeded, Shakespeare’s theater was renamed the "King to serve the troupe", he and the group of actors were appointed as the former imperial servants, often in the court performances. At that time the theater for the Oxford, Cambridge background "University wit" were held, a famous playwright had written in contemptuous tone to ridicule Shakespeare such a "vulgar civilians", "rumors crow", dare With the "noble genius" than the level. But Shakespeare later won the support and admiration of the broad masses of viewers, including college students, who had performed some of Shakespeare’s scripts in school amateur, such as "Hamlet" and "wrong comedy".

  Died in his later years

  Shakespeare lived in London for more than twenty years, and during this time his wife remained in Stratford. He was near the fate of the year when the retreat back to the princess Strawford.

  In 1616 Shakespeare died on his 52th birthday, buried in the Holy Trinity Church. He left his will before his death. His two more reliable portraits are said to be the bust of the church and the statue of Droghoche, the handwriting has six signatures and three copies of the script "Sir Thomas Moore".


  Early works

  The central sovereignty of Elizabeth I from 1590 to 1600 was still consolidated, and the temporary alliance between the royal family and the businessmen and the new aristocracy was still developing. 1588 years to defeat the Spanish "Armada" after the British national vigor. This makes the author full of optimism about life, I believe that humanism can be achieved. The historical dramas and comes written in this period show a clear and optimistic style.

  Medium works

  1601 ~ 1607 British rural "enclosure movement" to speed up, Wang Quan and the bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy of the temporary alliance is collapsing, deepening social contradictions, the political and economic situation deteriorated. James Yixi after the throne of the extravagant and retrograde, but also make the people suffering intensified, revolt after another. In this case, Shakespeare’s deepening of the contradiction between the ideal of humanism and reality has become more and more intense, and the creative style has changed from bright and happy to gloomy and grievances. The tragedy is not to celebrate the ideal of humanism, but to expose Criticize all kinds of evil and darkness in society.

  Late works



威廉·莎士比亚(英语:William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日—1616年4月23日),英国文艺复兴时期剧作家、诗人   。被誉为“人类文学奥林匹斯山上的宙斯”。



1596年,创作的戏剧《威尼斯商人》首演。 1601年,创作的戏剧《哈姆雷特》首演,引起文坛关注。1603年,创作的戏剧《奥赛罗》首演。



: shakespeare,





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