edge是什么意思英语(edge 是啥意思啊)
edge 是啥意思啊
edgen.边; 优势; (悬崖、峭壁的)边缘,端; 锋利,尖锐; vt.在…上加边界; 使渐进; 给(刀刃)磨边,使锋利; 修整; vi.慢慢向前移动,侧身移动; 第三人称单数:edges复数:edges现在进行时:edging过去式:edged过去分词:edged双语例句:1.We were on a hill, right on the edge of town.我们在恰位于城镇边缘的一座小山上。2.But in the past 11 weeks as Greece teetered on the edge of default, commodity prices have dropped.但是在过去的11周当中,正当希腊经济动荡,濒临债务违约边缘之时,商品价格出现了下滑。3.She was standing at the water’s edge.她正站在水边。4.Daniel stepped in front of her desk and sat down on its edge.丹尼尔走到她的桌前,坐在桌沿上。5.The three days France have to prepare could give them the edge over England.法国有3天的准备时间,这可能会让他们在对阵英格兰时占上风。
每日一词 edge
1. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:edge 英英释义:something that gives you an advantage over others 例句:Being able to speak good English is widely considered an edge in China. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) “edge”作名词最基本的意思是“边缘”“刀刃”,不过它也常可以引申表示“优势”,我们可以用它来替换“advantage”。 找工作时,有一定的实习或工作经验绝对是一种优势,我们就可以说: As far as job hunting is concerned, experience is an absolute edge. 使用“edge”时,最常见的一个搭配是“A has an edge over B”,表示 A 比 B 更好。比如,许多人选择在一线二线城市生活,因为相比其它城市,大城市的文化更多元,工作机会更多。 First- and second-tier cities always have an edge over other cities in terms of cultural diversity and job opportunities. 另外,常和“edge”搭配的动词有“maintain”(保持)和“lose”(失去),比如我们想说美国的军事优势还在,不过移民优势正在减弱。我们就可以说: It seems the US is losing its immigrant edge, but it has maintained its military edge.(建议把这个句子背下来) 想表达在某人或某物在某一方面有优势,我们可以在“edge”前添加相应的形容词。比如《经济学人》在一篇讨论美国创新的文章中,就有这样一句话: Indeed, the assumption that America is losing its innovative edge is open to question. 这句话的意思是:“的确,美国正在失去它的创新优势这个假设是可以质疑的。” 这句话的主语是“the assumption that America is losing its innovative edge”,这里的“innovative edge”就表示在创新方面的优势。 3. 从认识到会用(作业) 1)使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查“edge”,了解它的常用搭配。 a. competitive +edge 竞争优势 slight + edge 微弱优势 decided / decisive / definite / winning + edge 绝对优势; 明显优势; technological edge 技术上的优势 b. VERB + EDGE give sb/sth 为…的有利条件 gain, have,hold, keep, maintain, retain 获得优势;占优势; 保持优势 sharpen +edge 提升竞争力 lost edge 失去优势 to gain a competitive edge over rival suppliers 获得其它供应商对手没有的竞争优势 c. PREP.~ over 比…有优势 The intensive training she had done gave her the edge over the other runners. 强化训练使她比其它赛跑者更具优势。 2)翻译下面的句子: 这款新的电动汽车将会优于它的竞品。 (参考翻译:The new electric car will have an edge over its competitors/rivals.) 3)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达。先简要描述这个场景,再造句。 场景 1 :由于管理不善,这家公司失去了竞争优势。 造句: Owing to poor management, the company lost its competitive edge. 场景2:找工作时,经验是绝对优势。 造句:When it comes to job seeking, experience is a definite edge. 场景3:我们一直在寻求改善,为了保持我们的竞争优势。 造句:We’re constantly looking for improvements to maintain our competitive edge. 场景4: 当找工作时,一口流利的英语将会使你比别人更有优势。 造句:Fluent English will give you an edge over others when you look for a job. 情景5:优秀的表达能力将会使你比同伴和竞争对手更有优势。 造句:Having the ability to express well gives you an edge over your peers and rivals. 情景6:为了赶超我们的竞争对手,我们必须提升自己的竞争力 造句:We have to sharpen our edge over our competitors. 情景7:一旦离开这家公司,他们就不再有竞争力。 造句:Once they leave this company, they won’t have any competitive edge in the job market.
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