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Android开发框架介绍 文档 学分 +2 开发框架方面包含基本的应用功能开发、数据存储、网络访问这三大块: 一、应用方面 一般而言一个标准的Android程序由如下4部分组成即Activity、Broadcast Intent Receiver、Service、Content Provider: 1. Activity是最频繁、最基本的模块,在Android中,一个Activity就是手机上一屏,相当于一个网页一样,所不同的是,每个Activity运行结束了,有个返回值,类似一个函数一样。Android系统会自动记录从首页到其他页面的所有跳转记录并且自动将以前的Activity压入系统堆栈,用户可以通过编程的方式删除历史堆栈中的Activity Instance。 Activity类中主要是跟界面资源文件关联起来(res/layout目录下的xml资源,也可以不含任何界面资源),内部包含控件的显示设计、界面交互设计、事件的响应设计以及数据处理设计、导航设计等application设计的方方面面。 2. Broadcast Intent Receiver Intent提供了各种不同Activity进行跳转的机制,譬如如果从A activity跳转到B activity,使用Intent来实现如下: Intent in = new Intent(A.this, B.class); startActivity(in); BroadcastReceiver提供了各种不同的Android应用程序进行进行进程间通讯的机制,譬如当电话呼叫来临时,可以通过BroadcastReceiver发布广播消息。对于用户而言,BroadcastReceiver是不透明的,用户无法看到这个事件,BroadcastReceiver通过NotificationManager来通知用户这些事件发生了,它既可以在资源AndroidManifest.xml中注册,也可以在代码中通过Context.registerReceiver()进行注册,只要是注册了,当事件来临的时候,即时程序没有启动,系统也在需要的时候会自动启动此应用程序;另外各应用程序很方便地通过Context.sendBroadcast()将自己的事情广播给其他应用程序; 3. Service,跟Windows当中的Service完全是一个概念,用户可以通过startService(Intent service)启动一个Service,也可通过Context.bindService来绑定一个Service. 4. Content Provider,由于Android应用程序内部的数据都是私有的,Content Provider提供了应用程序之间数据交换的机制,一个程序可以通过实现一个ContentProvider的抽象接口将自己的数据暴露出去,并且隐蔽了具体的数据存储实现,标准的ContentProvider提供了基本的CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete)的接口,并且实现了权限机制,保护了数据交互的安全性; 一个标准的Android应用程序的工程文件包含如下几大部分: -》 Java源代码部分(包含Activity),都在src目录当中; -》 R.java文件,这个文件是Eclipse自动生成与维护的,开发者不需要修改,提供了Android对的资源全局索引; -》 Android Library,这个是应用运行的Android库; -》 assets目录,这个目录里面主要用与放置多媒体等一些文件; -》 res目录,放置的是资源文件,跟VC中的资源目录基本类似,其中的drawable包含的是图片文件,layout里面包含的是布局文件,values目录里面主要包含的是字符串(strings.xml)、颜色(colors.xml)以及数组(arrays.xml)资源; -》 AndroidManifest.xml,这个文件异常重要,是整个应用的配置文件,在这个文件中,需要声明所有用到的Activity、Service、Receiver等。
如何用 React Native 创建一个iOS APP
React Native 结合了 Web 应用和 Native 应用的优势,可以使用 JavaScript 来开发 iOS 和 Android 原生应用。在 JavaScript 中用 React 抽象操作系统原生的 UI 组件,代替 DOM 元素来渲染等。React Native 使你能够使用基于 JavaScript 和 React 一致的开发体验在本地平台上构建世界一流的应用程序体验。React Native 把重点放在所有开发人员关心的平台的开发效率上——开发者只需学习一种语言就能轻易为任何平台高效地编写代码。Facebook 在多个应用程序产品中使用了 React Native,并将继续为 React Native 投资。其好处显而易见:减少了人力、节省了时间、避免了 iOS 与 Android 版本发布的时间差,开发新功能可以更迅速。下面,我们可以尝试用React Native创建一个 iOS APP.在我们开始之前,我建议:你可以在 Github 里先下载 React Native 的代码框架。里面还有一些示例项目,2048 的游戏, Movies(一个看电影的 APP),SampleApp, TicTacToe (一款游戏)和 UIExplorer(能显示出所有用 React Native 替代的控件,如ListView,TabBar,MapView, Slider)),对于学习用如何用 React Native 创建 UI,这些都是非常好的例子,尤其是 UIExplorer APP,它几乎用到了每一个您的 APP 中需要创建的 UI 控件。首先,我们先来安装相应的工具。React native 是使用 Node.js 来 创建 JavaScript 代码。如果你已经在你电脑上安装上了这些工具,你可以跳过下面这几步。推荐使用 Homebrew的方式来安装 nvm,watchman 和 flow。在Mac下,如果用homebrew,那么只用一行就可以装好:brew install node接下来安装watchmanbrew install watchmanwatchman是Facebook的一个文件观察者。React Native 用它来检测代码的变化.接下来安装 npmnpm install -g react-native-clinmp 是 node的一个三方管理工具,相当于 Ruby中的RubyGems,iOS中的 CocoaPods,Java中的 Gradle/Maven,基本上,它使您能够轻松下载和管理你的项目需要的任何依赖库。在终端,找到你希望保存的项目文件,然后运行下面的文件夹。react-native init BookSearch以上使用 CLI 工具来构建一个 Native 项目,是准备建立并运行原样。当这个过程完成后,你就会在终端窗口中打开 Xcode 的BookSearch.xcodeproj 并运行应用程序像往常一样。做到这一点,模拟器将启动您的应用程序的运行。一个终端窗口也将打开。当一个Native应用程序启动时,它加载从以下网址 JavaScript 的应用程序。***隐藏网址***终端被打开,服务器开始作出反应来处理上述请求。该 Native 负责读取和建设 JSX(我们将看看这个版本)和 JavaScript 代码。运行这个 APP,你可以看到下图中的模拟器,如果你想在开发运行有几个步骤,你应该这样做。欢迎屏幕给出了一些关键的指令,你应该注意:应用程序的用户界面,你应该修改,当你创建项目时生成的 index.ios.js 文件,如果您更改 JavaScript 代码,重新加载命令应用程序 Command-R 看到的变化,如果你想要更多的选择,使用命令控制 Command-Control-Z 打开开发者菜单,提供了这样的选项,使现场重新加载和浏览器的调试。在任何时候做本教程时你可能会遇到一个红色屏幕模拟器,可以检查错误消息。它能让你知道这个问题是与你的代码还是服务器有关系。当我接收到错误的消息「无法连接到服务器」 在模拟器和检查终端有一个「流程终止」 错误消息时我陷入了服务器连接问题。当这种情况发生时,关闭终端窗口,停止在 Xcode 中的应用并再次运行它。对于其他错误,是由于语法错误代码中或网络请求超时时(如果你的应用从互联网上获取数据),一个简单的重新加载后修复这个问题应该怎么做。如果你在敦促 Command-R 键盘但什么都没有发生,硬件键盘可能没有连接到模拟器上。选择模拟器上的选项菜单以连接它:Hardware 》 Keyboard 》 Connect Hardware Keyboard.如果你按上边程序做了它依然不能重新加载,那么你可能需要重启你的电脑。我遇到过一次突然死机,重启电脑可以完成加载。我们现在开始构建应用程序,打开 index.ios.js 文件。我建议使用适合 web 开发的 IDE。你还可以使用 Xcode,但你会发现它并不适合因为在代码格式化、自动完成和语法错误突出显示时它不是非常灵活。你可以通过学习本文来决定并选择合适的 JavaScript IDE。我用过 RudbyMine,但实际上任何 IDE 都支持 JavaScript。如果你能得到一个支持 JSX 的那真很不错。当你打开 indx.ios.js 文件,你就会看到正在运行的应用程序构建 UI 的代码。你可能看到以下代码块。’use strict’以上代码启用了严格的模式,增加了处理原生 JavaScript 代码对错误的改善。var React = require(’react-native’);以上代码可以加载 react-native 模块,并将它赋予变量的反应。在你调用任何模块之前你需要把外部模块加载到你的文件中来。可以把它作为Swift 和 Objective-C 的导入库。var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text,View,} = React;上面是一个解构赋值,你可以通过它将多个对象属性分配给一个变量。这能让他们在文件作用域被引用。以上是可选择的,但如果你不用它,那么每次你使用一个组件在你代码中时,你就必须使用完全限定的名称,例如:「React.AppRegistry」而不能只用「AppRegistry」 、「React.StyleSheet」 而不能用「StyleSheet」 等等。var BookSearch = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( 《View style={styles.container}》 《Text style={styles.welcome}》 Welcome to React Native! 《/Text》 《Text style={styles.instructions}》 To get started, edit index.ios.js 《/Text》 《Text style={styles.instructions}》 Press Cmd+R to reload,{’\n’} Cmd+Control+Z for dev menu 《/Text》 《/View》 ); }});上面创建一个类只有一个渲染 () 函数。在渲染函数中无论什么被定义都是将输出到屏幕上。上述使用 JSX(JavaScript语法扩展)来构建应用程序的 UI。如果您以前使用过 XML(甚至HTML),JSX 就会记住并熟悉你。它具有相同的均衡功能来打开和关闭标签并使用属性来设置值标签。你不需要使用 JSX 本地反应,你可以使用纯 JavaScript,但 JSX 建议它的简单定义树结构。如果你有很多 UI 的代码,通过大型的 JSX 树结构将更容易阅读理解。var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: ’center’, alignItems: ’center’, backgroundColor: ’#F5FCFF’, }, welcome: { fontSize: 20, textAlign: ’center’, margin: 10, }, instructions: { textAlign: ’center’, color: ’#333333’, marginBottom: 5, },});上面的样式应用可于视图的内容。如果你做过 web 开发或用过 CSS(层叠样式表),在此之前这应该是熟悉的。React Native 使用 CSS 样式应用程序的UI。如果你看看 JSX 代码,你会看到不同风格的代码被用在不同的地方。例如: style={style.container}设置样式定义容器的外部视图包含其他UI组件。上面的样式应用可于视图的内容。如果你做过 web 开发或用过 CSS(层叠样式表),在此之前这应该是熟悉的。React Native 使用 CSS 样式应用程序的 UI。如果你看看 JSX 代码,你会看到不同风格的代码被用在不同的地方。例如: style={style.container}设置样式定义容器的外部视图包含其他 UI 组件。
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The Blackberry Torch is available from 12 August in the US, exclusively on the AT&T network. EMEA availability is due in the coming weeks,omega seamaster, and will be offered through various network operators including Vodafone. Although EMEA pricing was not given, the US model will be sold at $199 with $15 for 200MB or $25 for 2GB data quota monthly surcharge plans.Software and hardware reviews, every other Friday Blast from the past, it looks like a HTC Blue Angel!Home News Reviews Video INQdepth Blogs Jobs Downloads store Chips Hardware Software Communications Week to date Chips Hardware Software Communications Hardware Software Features Opinion Polls White papers Boffin Watch Numb Thumbs Friction Communications 》 Phones News Communications--》 RIM launches the Blackberry Torch 9800 A slider touchscreen smartphone By Madeline Bennett Tue Aug 03 2010, 19:59 Click here to sign up Existing user Existing User Please fill in the field below to receive your profile link. Email : Sign-up for the INQBot weekly newsletter Click here INQ White papers Databases Network management Security Service oriented architecture Storage Search Advertisement INQ Jobs Software Project Manager ( Highly reputable and well-e... Read more Search INQ Poll I invented ctrl-alt-del but Bill made it famous - Dave Bradly IBM PC designer Comment on this article Flame Author Print Share this: Digg Facebook Linkedin reddit! StumbleUpon Twitter Share Related articles Blackberry Pearl 3G RIM adds latest OS and improved keypad to candy bar handset Monday, 24 May 2010, 15:49 PM Read more INQ Chat 3G A budget Blackberry that’s all about social networking Tuesday, 12 January 2010, 16:41 PM Read more Motorola Milestone First Android 2.0 mobile phone Wednesday, 6 January 2010, 17:01 PM Read more Acer Liquid Its first Android phone fails to impress Monday, 4 January 2010, 17:42 PM Read more BlackBerry Bold 9700 announced Lighter and thinner Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 17:24 PM Read more Blackberry Storm2 9520 Hands on with RIM’s second touchscreen mobile Tuesday, 20 October 2009, 14:47 PM Read more 《 Previous article| Comments Wrong date Microsoft has ended Windows XP SP2 support ... Incisive Media Investments Limited 2010, Published by Incisive Financial Publishing Limited, Haymarket House, 28-29 Haymarket,cartier watch tank, London SW1Y 4RX, are companies registered in England and Wales with company registration numbers 04252091 & 04252093 Advertisement Subscribe to INQ newsletters INQ Daily Seriously not a cool looking form factor when your out and about but it is lovely to work with. CANADIAN PHONE MAKER Research in Motion (RIM) has launched its latest addition to the Blackberry range, its much anticipated Torch slider touchscreen handset.SEARCH : RIM said that Blackberry OS 6 will be available to two existing models, the 9700 and 9105, as well as the Torch 9800 and all future handsets.Wireless tethering is also possible with the Torch.The handset itself has the look and feel of the Blackberry Storm, but the capacitive 480x360 3.2-inch touchscreen slides up to reveal a standard Blackberry keypad.Hopefully the device will see more success than the UK launch press event. The live video feed being beamed over from New York was poor at best, and the gathered journalists missed every couple of words and at times full seconds of the sound, so we ended up mercifully missing out on hearing executives from AT&T and RIM enthuse about how brilliant the new device is. Luckily we can make up our own minds about that, and will be posting our first impressions of the 9800 based on a quick hands-on with the device soon. posted by : Richard Alpagot, 03 August 2010 Complain about this comment Most read Most commented Most watched INQ readers’ Windows XP views are on the money AMD is gearing up for Bulldozer Lacie announces a small business server Sony apologises for PS3 firmware upgrade glitch Father sues school for searching daughter’s phone Users are sticking to Windows XP Nokia continues on the road to ruin Banish Flash cookies forever under Linux Council wastes ?40,000 on Ipads Nvidia is tanking Sony motion controller video demo Push was a big feature of the launch event. RIM demoed a push feed of various networks running on the Torch, which means the device is pre-populated with updates from Twitter, Youtube and Myspace,cartier store, as well as RSS feeds from BBC or Google news, for example.INQpressions Reviews Fortnightly The 9800 is the first to feature Blackberry OS 6, an update to RIMs mobile OS that features multi-touch controls, better integration with social networks and a revamped browser.posted by : E, 03 August 2010 Complain about this comment HTC Blue Angel Microsoft Kinect athletics game video demo The most important breaking news each day INQ readers must watch this It’s not available today. It’s available Aug. 12. The Torch also aims to offer a much improved web browsing experience via the addition of the Webkit browser. In fact, the devices name comes from the acquisition of Torch Mobile about 18 months ago,coach handbags outlet, which handed RIM the Webkit browser.RIM will be hoping the 9800 helps it gain market share over rivals such as struggling Nokia and mobile phone upstart Apple. The Canadian firm is also rumoured to be working on a tablet device set for launch later this year. However, RIM refused to be drawn on any future releases at todays event.and this will make me: check out the glowing orb SEARCH : Site Credentials: About us Terms & Conditions Privacy policy About Incisive Media Sitemap Follow us: Youtube Twitter Facebook Linkedin Business & Technology websites: Technology Reseller Channel IT News Information Science Search Engines Online Marketing Trading Technology Technology for the Sell Side Buy Side Technology Find Chartered Accountants Business research resources: B2B Web Seminars Business Technology Video Whitepapers Products: Software Reviews Hardware Reviews Download Reviews Investment Market IT websites: Investment Technology Trader IT Financial IT Intelligence Find out what you are worth: IT Salary Calculator Salary Calculator Search for a job: IT Jobs IT Job Search Engine Computer Hardware Jobs Job Search Engine Recruitment Agency A-Z Directory: All | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Accreditations: Digital Publisher of the Year 2010There is a video camera, but it records in VGA rather than HD, and there is no video calling like Apples Facetime.InqBOT Weekly RIM was also very excited about its new universal search tool. This will let users search once and get results from across their entire device and applications, from Google and Youtube through to Blackberry Messenger and email messages.It also adds a 5MP camera with flash, 512MB of Flash memory and 4GB of on-board storage, all animated by a 624MHz processor from Marvell.A roundup of the best from the INQ, every Monday Install Linux Install Windows 7 None of the above,omega seamaster watches, you’ll have to pry XP from my cold dead hands Buy a Mac Throw my computer out of the window View other polls Home News Reviews Video INQdepth Blogs Jobs Downloads store

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