socioeconomic(英语翻译Research MethodologyRegarding the sociological quality o)
英语翻译Research MethodologyRegarding the sociological quality o
Research Methodology Regarding the sociological quality of the issue under study and given the extent of the population under study, it was necessary to screen the population through sampling and the use of economic and social questionnaires. With emphasis on hypotheses of causal relations, survey research typical of sociological investigations was selected as the main methodology in the two research studies. However, in some aspects of the research, direct observation and documentary evidence also were utilized. 研究方法学 考虑到要调查问题的社会学特性和接受调查的人数,通过抽样来甄选人数以及使用经济和社会性的调查问卷是必不可少的.因为要强调假设因果关系的重要性,以社会学调查为代表的研究是两种研究学习中主要使用的方法.但是,在研究领域的其他一些方面,直接的观察和文献记录也会被使用到. To study the vulnerable strata, it is imperative primarily to study social stratification in the rural munities of Garmsar and Dasht-e Azadegan. To this end, the Cochran-Sharp formula was used to measure socio-economic characteristics in sample villages (21 out of 130 in Garmsar and 20 out of 133 in Dasht-e Azadegan), which were selected due to their developed status based on developmental indices.9 要研究那些最弱势的社会阶层,就不得不先调查Garmsar和 Dasht-e Azadegan的农村公社是如何社会分层的.因此,人们使用 Cochran-Sharp公式来计算这些抽样村子里的社会经济学的特性.(从garmsar的130个中选了21个,Dasht-e Azadegan中的133个选了20个.)村庄是依照以发展指数为根据的发展情况来选出的. After the selection of the sample villages, a census was taken, and this showed that there were 725 rural families in the relevant villages of Garmsar and 1,371 families in the Dasht-e Azadegan villages. To help identify social stratification and the socioeconomic characteristics of the vulnerable strata, a questionnaire with about 50 questions was prepared; some of the questions aimed to identify general socio-economic characteristics of respondents while others aimed at assessing the social stratification ofsubjects. 选择完抽样的村庄后,进行了人口统计,统计显示garmsar相关村落有725户农家, Dasht-e Azadegan 村庄则有1371户.为了帮助确认社会阶层的形成和这些弱势阶层的社会经济特点,需要准备一份大约包括50道问题的调查问卷,其中一些问题旨在辨别受调查者的一般社会经济特性,其他则针对于评估受访者的社会层化. The relevant questionnaires were filled out for all families residing in the sample villages, whether land owner or landless. The sample rural munity was divided into different social strata and groups based on the data obtained from the questionnaires and on results from the construction of an index based on the multiple weighted method in which the weights of variables and concepts are obtained by advanced statistical applications such as factor *** ysis and regression. Then, the sample households for the study were chosen from different social strata on the bases of stratified random sampling (Tables 1 and 2). 居住在抽样村庄的所有家庭,不管是否拥有土地,都填写了相关的问卷.作为抽样的农村公社以从问卷中所获得的数据以及建立指数的结果为依据被划分成不同的社会阶层和团体,其中指数结果又是建立在多种衡量方法之上的,包括变量的比重和由统计高级应用,比如分析因素和衰退而获取的概念.然后,受调查的抽样家庭会以随机为样本分层为依据被筛选出来. The main method of indexing in the field of the distribution of social strata in these two research studies is based on data *** yses like multiple regression and factor *** ysis. In addition, for parison and to be plementary, the cluster method of *** ysis also has been used to classify and prioritize some of the elements involved in index construction based on the viewpoints of respondents (subjects). In this method, primarily by providing an operational definition of the concept of stratification based on the theoretical view of this research, the main indices were selected to determine the stratification status. It can be mentioned that the main indexing procedures were studied in the Garmsar region. 在这两份调查研究中针对社会阶层的分化建立指数的主要方式是建立在数据分析,比如像多样衰退,分析因素等之上的.另外为了便于比较和补充,分析的一系列方法也被应用于分类和优先处理涉及建立指数的一些原素,上述一切都是基于受访者的个人观点.使用这种方法,因先以该研究的理论上的观点为依据而为“分层”这一概念下一个可使用的定义,选择主要的指数来决定分层情况.可以这么说,建立指数的主要过程正是在garmsar地区研究来的.
economic是一个形容词,意思是经济的、经济上的、经济学的,economic这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为四个音节【e】【co】【no】和【mic】,第一个音节为元音字母e的发音为【iː】,也可以读作【e】,而第二个音节co的发音为【kə】,而第三个音节no的发音可以为【nɒ】,也可以读作【nɑː】,而第四个音节mic的发音为【mɪk】,合在一起的话这个单词的英式发音就是【ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk】和【ˌekəˈnɒmɪk】,它的美式发音为【ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk】和【ekəˈnɑːmɪk】;我们再看一下用法,economic作为经济的、经济上的、经济学的的意思来使用,例如在下面这个句子里,Many people are suffering economic hardship. 很多人正遭受着经济困难,在这个句子中,economic指的是经济,economic还有一个短语,economic development,指的是经济发展,This chapter explores,the linkage between economic development,and the environment. 本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系,economic这个单词你学会了吗?
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