magnified(exaggerate cf. magnify)
- exaggerate cf. magnify
- magnify是什么意思
- 手表的背面有 all stainless steel antimagnftig watfeefsistant 的英文 是什么意思
- 手表的背面有 all stainless steel antimagnftig watfeefsistant 的英文 是什么意思
- magnified是什么意思
- magnify造句 magnifyの例文 “magnify“是什么意思
- magnified与amplified 意思与用法相同吗
- enlarged的反义词
exaggerate cf. magnify
A :exaggerate 一般形容抽象的东西.言辞夸张之类.1. The seriousness of the situation has been much exaggerated by the press. 形势的严重性被报纸夸大了。 2. He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. 他自视过高。 3. The reports were greatly exaggerated. 报告被严重夸大了. 1. The seriousness of the situation has been much exaggerated by the press. 形势的严重性被报纸夸大了。 2. He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. 他自视过高。 3. The reports were greatly exaggerated. 报告被严重夸大了. 4. The press exaggerated the whole affair wildly. 新闻报道肆意夸大了整个事件. B: magnified 就是形容东西被放大了.1. The microscope magnified the object 100 times. 这台显微镜将物体放大了100倍。 2. Something that has been magnified; an enlarged representation, image, or model. 被放大的东西;放大的艺术作品、图像或者是模型
放大 ; 扩大 ; 赞美 ; 颂扬 ; 夸大 ; 增大 ; 加强 ; 夸张过去式magnified过去分词现在分词magnifying第三人称单数magnifies名词magnifier短语magnifying glass放大镜magnifying mirror放大镜
手表的背面有 all stainless steel antimagnftig watfeefsistant 的英文 是什么意思
all stainless steel全不锈钢材质antimagnftig watfeefsistant 这个不是正确的英文单词,可能是antimagnetic, water resistant 意为:防磁,防水全文为:全不锈钢材质,防磁,防水
手表的背面有 all stainless steel antimagnftig watfeefsistant 的英文 是什么意思
释义:adj. 放大的
v. 放大;夸张(magnify的过去分词)
例句:Departmentalism is magnified individualism.本位主义是放大了的个人主义。
1Departmentalism is magnified individualism.
2Its lens, no bigger than a small raindrop, magnified objects hundreds of times.
3The sound was magnified by the high roof.
4His glasses magnified his irritable glare.
5The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages.
magnify造句 magnifyの例文 “magnify“是什么意思
Departmentap *** is the magnified individuap *** . 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。
I wouldn’t magnify it . 我不想拿它小题大作。
Existing distortions in wage differentials will be magnified . 工资差别上存在的扭曲现象将被加剧。
The shorter the waves are, the more distinct will be the magnified image . 波长越短,放大的物象越清晰。
We did everything in our power to aid him and magnify his movement . 我们竭全力支持他,并扩大他的活动范围。
It is unusual for people to press their differences by magnifying them . 对人们来说,以夸大差异的方式强调差异是不正常的。
A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air . 大的望远镜放大率同时放大了不稳定大气的影响。
Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified details . 透镜式立体镜适合于野外使用或者观察放大的细节。
The fact was that expropriation seemed to magnify costs and reduce productivity . 实际情况是,这些企业在收归国有以后,成本增加而生产率却下降了。
It was a dispke so pttle just--every imputed fault was so magnified by fancy . 那种讨厌是这样的不公平--每种无中生有的缺点、过失是这样地为幻想所扩大。
It’s difficult to see magnify in a sentence. 用 magnify 造句挺难的
If you look at mon salt through a magnifying glass you will see that, in fact, it consists of crystals . 通过放大镜观看普通的食盐,能看见它事实上是由晶体组成。
The lens so used is referred to variously as a magnifying glass, a simple magnifier or a simple microscope . 这种用途的透镜有各种不同的名称:放大镜,简单放大镜或简单显微镜。
Most of the plas, on the other hand, are magnified to clear disks by a telescope of even modest power . 然而,即使用一个倍数适中的望远镜,也能把大部分行星放大成清晰的圆面。
Bertha’s quick invention magnified the ing anguish till, for thinking of it, she could hardly sleep at night . 伯莎敏锐的虚构,扩大了正在到来的痛苦,仍然一想到这点她晚上就不能睡觉。
And in the end they glorified the human spirit, magnified the struggle against evil, and thus carried on the humane tradition . 而且他们终于赞美人类的精神,颂扬反对邪恶的斗争,并因此将人道的传统坚持下来。
Flexible exchange rates offer some cushioning against foreign shifts but tend to magnify the disruption from shifts of domestic origin . 变动汇率对国外的变动提供某种缓冲作用,但往往会加重国内变动所造成的破坏。
The middle-class woman of the late eighteenth century had good reason to accept and magnify these values of sensibipty and passionate love . 十八世纪后期的中产阶级妇女完全有理由接受并赞美这些感情和炽热爱情价值。
The soviet wanted to reduce the margin of their own uncertainty while seeking to magnify alped inhibitions against the use of nuclear weapons . 苏联人想要减少他们对自己前途把握不定的程度,而去寻求扩大反对使用核武器的联合抑制力量。
The microscope magnified the object one hundred times 显微镜把物体放大一百倍。
I have a highly magnified telescopic image of you 我是用高倍放大的远视镜看你的
His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them 他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够阅读
This microscope magnifies an object 100000 times 这个显微镜把物体放大10万倍。
One that magnifies , especially a magnifying glass 放大器能放大的器具,尤指放大镜
The microscope magnified the object 100 times 这台显微镜将物体放大了100倍。
His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them 他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够阅读。
Using screen magnifying sofare on govhk 使用屏幕放大软件浏览香港 *** 一站通
You use microscopes to magnify very *** all objects 你用显微镜可以将很小的物体放大。
To see this clearly , a magnifying glass is essential 要看清楚,放大镜是不可或缺的。
The microscope magnified the object one hundred times 这个显微镜把物体放大了100倍。
A system of optical ponents that magnifies 能起放大作用的一组光学元件
It’s difficult to see magnify in a sentence. 用 magnify 造句挺难的
That , in turn , has magnified the second stimulus 接下来,上面的因素放大了第二个激励。
The microscope magnified the object one hundred diameters 那显微镜把物体放大了100倍。
Even if they ’ re spghtly ugly , that ’ s gonna be magnified 尽管他们有一点点丑,都会被放大
So i magnified it with a digital microscope , 所以我把它用数字显微镜放大
Magnifying an image makes it easier to see 放大图像能更容易地看到它。
He tried to magnify the part he played in the battle 他想夸大他在那场战斗中所起的作用。
Tony : yes . do you have a magnifying glass 托尼:是的。你有放大镜吗?
Ned pkes to magnify his achievements 内德喜欢夸大自己所取得的成绩。
Select the magnifying glass and masked layer together 选择放大镜锁在图层,一起添加蒙板。
They used the microscope to magnify the virus 他们用显微镜放大病毒。
The pght microscope magnifies the object 1000 diameters 这架光学显微镜把物像放大一千倍。
Create a magnifying glass from custom shape tool 使用自定义形状工具创建一个放大镜的图形。
Remember to magnify his work , of which men sing 24你要记得称赞?所行的为大,就是人所歌颂的。
Minor advance was magnified into victory 小小的进步被夸大成胜利。
Made of hard plastic and magnified 2 times the natural size 用硬塑料制成,根据实物放大2倍。
Decent programmer testing magnifies the damage it does 合格的程序员测试夸大了它产生的破坏。
Baoding entire ancient dignified , magnify very ambitious 整个宝鼎古朴凝重,气势宏大,非常雄伟。
Magnify the magnitude of the magi *** 放大磁力(磁)的量圾。
I ’ m under a magnifying glass , nick 我被人用放大镜检验,尼克
It’s difficult to find magnify in a sentence. 用 magnify 造句挺难的
magnified与amplified 意思与用法相同吗
magnified--enlarged to an abnormal degree 放大的,加剧,夸大的,放大图像(放大多少倍也用这个)amplified--侧重于增强,详述,放大电子设备的声音等
同反义词同: blown-up, exaggerated, hypertrophied, magnified反: atrophied, diminished, wasted

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